Monday 2 June 2014

Climate Change in Navua Central (Togoru)

Climate change is the change in weather pattern that leads to many environmental issues. In Fiji, pollution is becoming a major contributing problem. Pollutions such as Air Pollution (emission of carbon-dioxide from running vehicles, burning of rubbish beside the house), water pollution throwing rubbish near the sea and in the river carelessly assuming it's not a person's problem, throwing garbage into the river, and many other ways Fiji is polluted.
These pollution are affecting Fiji as a whole. Now, Focusing on Navua area only, Togoru is a small area in Navua located just beside the sea. It is n urban area where people live in settlements. A lot of rubbish can be found on the beach and the mangroves are cut down. Eventually all these man made problems lead to a much more bigger problem and THAT IS THE CHANGE OF CLIMATE.

As defined above climate change leads to a lot of problems especially for people living in interior areas of Fiji (e.g. Togoru). A lot of changes are taking place. Since 2013 (late October), the weather pattern started changing. It was so hot in Fiji that in the history of Fiji the hottest season in Fiji would be late 2013 to beginning of 2014. This was the first time in Fiji when the temperature rose by very large Celsius.

Togoru is a place where the fresh air from the seas flow always. However, soon after the hot season ended, the cold began. This year (2014) the beggining of the cold season began with a real cold. Hence, all these changes in the weather pattern of Togoru is caused by simply the carelessness of the people living near in this area.

Now the question is How can the people of Togoru prevent from fuether change in the climate of Togoru? It is said that it is never too late. Since Togoru is located beside the sea, it is one of the most affected places in Fiji therefore people living in Toguru are affected very badly. They eperince very new and different patterns of weather.

People may find it amazing at times but let me inform you, this changes may bring a day we all never expect to see. It is said that anything that happens, happens for a reason. What is the reason behind this big change in the weather pattern? Now that's something not only for the people residng in Togoru to think but also the Fijians as a whole to think. It is never too late so start practising now. Use proper rubbish disposal methods. Do not burn rubbish beside your house. Try to keep entire Fiji litter free. This is our home, so let's join hands and keep our home clean.

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